Use YouTube Movie Maker to manage the uploaded or favorite videos on YouTube, quickly view the recent statistics about your videos on YouTube. Below we provide a step by step guide about how to use YouTube Movie Maker to manage videos on YouTube.

how to use YouTube Movie Maker to manage YouTube videos.

Step 1: Run YouTube Movie Maker, Press "Manage Videos" button.

promote youtube video
The program will goto "Manage Videos Module", like below.
promote uploaded youtube videos

Step 2: Press "Sign In Buttonsign in" to sign in your YouTube account, once successfully sign in, you will view all uploaded videos in the list, like below.

sign in ok

Step 3: Mouse right click video in the list, you can remove uploaded videos from your channel, or modify the uploaded video's Title, Category, Tags, Description, Privacy, etc. like below.

manage menu

Please Note:

  • 1. You can press "PreviousPage buttonprevious page" or "NextPage buttonnext page" to view videos on other pages.

  • 2. You can press "Refresh buttonrefresh button" to get the latest data.

  • 3. You can press "SingOut buttonsign out" to logout the current account.