YouTube Movie Maker is
The best Twitter Video Maker | YouTube Movie Maker
Easily edit and make cool videos for Twitter
As the largest microblogging social platform in the world, Twitter currently has 330 million monthly active users and 152 million daily active users, and 500 million tweets are generated every day. At the same time, Twitter is also the preferred platform for people to know all kinds of the latest news, on which many companies and individuals promote their brands.
If you would like share videos on Twitter, you need an user-friendly video editing software to edit videos for Twitter. YouTube Movie Maker is a wise choice for you, it covers all the basics that a beginner and an enthusiast needs, but doesn't require any professional knowledge in video editing, it can helps you to create and make cool Twitter videos that get more follows.
YouTube Movie Maker is not just a Video Maker for YouTube, it's also the best
Twitter Video Maker
100% Safe and Clean, No Watermark, No Trial Time, No Adware.
Specs of Twitter Videos
Understanding video requirements can help you make the best Twitter Videos.
Twitter Video Formats
The best video format for Twitter is 30fps H.264/AAC codec MP4 video. Higher framerate acceptable, maximum framerate must be 60fps or less.
Twitter Video Size Limit
Unlike other social platforms, Twitter has shorter restrictions on video. The video file size must not exceed 512 MB

Twitter Video Duration
Duration must be between 0.5 seconds and 140 seconds, recommended 15 seconds or less. Select advertisers are eligible to request an increase up to 10 minutes.
Twitter Video Resolution
Recommended video resolution is 1280x720 16:9, the Minimum resolution is 32x32, any height is acceptable, but if the height exceeds the width, the video will be cropped to 1:1 in the feed.
Need a software to edit videos for Twitter?
Obviously YouTube Movie Maker is a right choice!
YouTube Movie Maker is an application that provides you with all the necessary tools to edit your own videos in a fast and easy way. It's a simple-to-use program for building videos, and we strongly recommend it to all users.